About Merry Go Land
⚫ 自立心に富み、何事にも意欲的に取り組める心を育てます。
⚫ お互いの違いを認め合える心、優しさや思いやりの心を育てます。
⚫ 英語や外国の文化への興味を通して、幅広い視野や豊かな感性を育てます。
⚫ ルールやマナーを大切にし、正しい判断や行動ができる子を育てます。
⚫ すべての利用者が安心感と信頼感を持って利用できる園をめざします。
⚫ 安心してたくさん失敗したり、試行錯誤したりできる環境で、自分で考え、挑戦し、最後までやり抜く経験を重ね、子ども達の自信を育てます。
⚫ 様々な国からきた外国人講師とのやり取りを通して、異なる考えや習慣、言葉に触れ、幅広い視野や豊かな感性を育てていきます。
⚫ みんなが気持ちよく過ごすためにルールやマナーを守る大切さを知り、お友達と様々な体験を重ねる中で自制心や道徳感、そして、思いやりの心を育てます。
⚫ 子ども達だけでなく、園を利用するすべての方が笑顔でいられるよう、互いに分かり合い、支え合える園づくりを目指します。
About Merry Go Land
The children’s day is spent in English, around teachers from many different countries and learning about different cultures. This develops a broad perspective and rich sensitivity.
Merry Go Land strives to be a preschool that ensures a comfortable time for all.
Open days and child rearing consultations are available so please contact the preschool to make arrangements to come visit. We look forward to seeing you!
◆Education and Childcare Philosophy
【Our Preschool Policy】
⚫ To develop a feeling of independence, and a mind motivated to try anything.
⚫ To develop the ability to understand each other’s differences and have kindness and to be able to think about others.
⚫ To develop a broad perspective and rich sensitiveness through an interest in English and foreign culture.
⚫ To develop the ability to understand the importance of rules and manners and to be able to make correct decisions and behavior.
⚫ To become a trustworthy preschool where all students/parents/staff can feel at ease.
【Our Preschool Education and Childcare Content】
⚫ To develop the confidence of children through many experiences by thinking for themselves and challenging something to the end in an environment where they can make many mistakes and experience trial and error.
⚫ To develop a broad perspective and rich sensitiveness through an interest in English and foreign culture by communicating with teachers from many different countries. By doing so, children can learn different ways of thinking, customs and language.
⚫ To develop the ability to understand the importance of rules and manners to make it easy for everyone to get along well. And, for children to take part in many experiences with their friends to be able to learn self-control and morals so they can think of others.
⚫ We aim to create a preschool that can understand and support everyone so that not only children will develop, but all involved can enjoy themselves.
◆Merry GO Land Takamatsuen English Education
Merry Go Land Takamatsuen incorporates immersion education. Children spend the day with teachers from many different countries and acquire English naturally through many daily activities, while also understanding different cultures. This is a special feature of Merry Go Land Takamatsuen.